Sunday, February 25, 2007

The Fallen Post

As usual, her feelings turned out to be accurate. Someone had been watching her. It was the man from the elevator, and this time Mirela had a name to put to his face. Mamet. Mirela had gone to the theater to get her mind off of him, but encountering him was inevitable. She had to face her strange mix of feelings head-on because there was just no escaping what was meant to happen. Dinner was the plan, yet Mirela had some odd premonition that this would never be. Mirela felt excited and uneasy about this entire situation. Finding Mamet in this odd run-down town seemed too good to be true.

She began to walk home seeing that Mamet had already turned the corner of the block. The closer she got to the apartments the sharper the sensation she had to turn around or to leave entirely. She fought this urge, pulling her feet to the ground in front with each daunting step. Mamet seemed different from the other men. From a particular glint in his eyes she knew that she was safe with him. Why was her body telling her to stop in her tracks and run? Once she was just a block from the Thallow Flats, she could no longer move. Her body was trembling with fear inside and out. She grabbed onto the wall of a building, curled up into a tight ball and held on, waiting for something to happen.


A sound that could rupture eardrums from at least 100 miles away penetrated Mirela hearing. Quickly following the boom, a shrill, high-pitched ringing filled her ears. Then her stomach dropped as she vaguely heard a thud off into the distance. Her bewildered eyes darted up to the sky near the flats, which was now filled with a thick black smoke. She ran to him.

The air was so full of smoke and ash Mirela could barely breath. The sound of crumbling and crunching wood accompanied the shrill ring in her ears. Through the dusty air she could barely make out the outline of Barnaby's house collapsing. And that's when she saw him. In a bed of rocks and earth, Mamet lay pinned beneath a heavy wooden light post. Mirela leaned over Mamet searching for life, for a split second she thought she even saw him looking back into her eyes. She pushed and pulled on the light-post, but it wouldn't budge. She tirelessly attempted to force the splintery light-post off of Mamet. Then she saw the lights. Flashes of blue and red shone through the dusty air. Help had arrived. In utter exhaustion, she slid her body across the ground to move closer to Mamet. As she did this, something sharp ripped through her flesh. Dark red blood stained her blouse. Underneath her was a scattered pile of glimmering diamonds. In that second she knew that the very diamonds that sliced her skin had also cost Mamet his life. All was a result of Greed. Tears flooded Mirela's eyes, knowing that she would leave the Thallow Flats, alone, never to return. She pressed herself against Mamet, holding onto him for as long as she could.

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