Tuesday, January 30, 2007

What Goes Around Comes Around

Mirela sat happy and humming in the thick, rich grass. She observed beetles and ants, while lacing clover necklaces together. She rolled on her back, admiring the pillowy shapes in the sky. That’s when she saw it.
Out in the distance a blob of blackness turned on the horizon. As it spun, it sucked the living juice and color from every corner of nature. The blueness of the sky quickly transformed into a blank, unnatural white. The very pigment was sucked from the blades of grass beneath and around Mirela. Next, the roots and plants were ripped out of the earth, and then the soil and ground itself were swallowed by the ghastly cyclone. Mirela sat in the middle of all of this, bewildered and unscathed. The black tornado of destruction evaporated before her eyes, leaving her naked and alone in the blindingly white nothingness.

Mirela gasped, as her eyes flashed open. She lay in bed panting with a cold sweat. The cat curled up at her feet let out a mew and began to purr. A wave of relief flooded Mirela’s body. The sound of Moon Pie’s purr calmed her rapidly pulsating heart. However, her thoughts were on fire.
She knew what the dream had meant.
Feelings she had long since ignored, escaped in her sleep, when her guard was down. She was content when she concerned herself with the lives of the beetles, ants, and clients, but the big black cyclone of fear chasing her had finally caught up. Instead of some freckly, snaggle-toothed third grader breaking the news by yelling, “You’re It,” a memory she had managed to forget for a few months, ran up, tagged her and whispered, “You’re Alone-“
The empty ache she had suppressed (for the most part) since moving to this new town was unmistakable as ever, as she lay in her dark, chilly room. It was the same indescribable feeling that had consumed her on the day he left for good. No matter how much Mirela traveled or tried to lose herself, the same hollow thirst always returned. Her thoughts and seclusion swallowed her whole. She often found comfort in nature, but now she knew she needed someone else. She could go to the theater, the diner, or even the tavern? It was necessary to her well-being. She needed another human’s affection; She could give no more.

Before Mirela could leave her apartment, she heard a knock on the door. She slowly turned the knob, not knowing who to expect. The same young girl that was crumpled on the floor in front of her door shaking and exhausted a few days earliar, stood tall with a friendly, open smile. She had been up on an early morning run and had decided to stop by to thank Mirela for her helpful advice. Miranda offered Mirela a warm, well-needed hug. Her heart lightened a bit at this kind-hearted gesture. Miranda left, abandoning Mirela with her afflictions. Mirela locked up her room, ventured down to the end of the hall, and pressed the down button.

1 comment:

Tri-ing the big city. said...

I sat there with my head buried between my legs. Every breath heavier than the one before it. My eyes heavy, swimming in a lake of tears. I could hear the heavy breathing of this man standing over me. All I wanted was to be alone. No matter what I tried, I couldn’t seem to catch a break. “Excuse me?” he said again, with a little more force. “WHAT?” I couldn’t take it anymore. Did I appear approachable? I always figured when you had tears streaming down your face, that was usually an indicator that something was wrong. “Excuse, I don’t believe that is how you respond to your elders.”
“I’m sorry, but I have a little more on my mind than my elders.”
“Well most would living in a place such as this. It is so decrypted and down right depressing. Today I visited quite an adorable little shop, maybe you should try stopping by there."
I stared at him blankly as he turned and entered back into his room. Just in time for yet another person to enter into my life.

A sweet lady dressed in a light flowy skirt, squatted down next to me and invited me in for a cup of tea. We spent the next hour chatting. When I left, there had been a nice relief of pressure off my shoulders.

Needing sometime to think to myself, I walked down the stairs. Taking my time I walked down the street and l slowly began to I stare off into the distance. A quaint jingling of a bell grabbed my attention. I looked up and noticed the shop the man had mentioned. I looked and figured hey, it wouldn't kiill. I paced up and down the isles, making my way to the cards. There I plopped my self down and started reading them. Cards were made to make us feel better right? Of course I was to be interrupted though. “Excuse me miss, I couldn’t help notice, you seem a bit upset. I always come to the card section when I am going through a hard time.” Grabbing a card she said, “This one is my favorite, you should take a peak.”

Many people will walk in and out of your life, but only true friends will leave footprints on your heart. To handle yourself, use your head; to handle others, use your heart. Anger is only one letter short of danger. If someone betrays you once, it is his fault; if he betrays you twice, it is your fault. Great minds discuss ideas; average minds discuss events; small minds discuss people. He who loses money, loses much; he loses a friend, loses much more; he who loses faith, loses all. Beautiful young people are accidents of nature, but beautiful old people are works of art. Learn from the mistakes of others. you can't live long enough to make them all yourself...There is no beginning or end. Yesterday is history. Tomorrow is mystery. Today is a gift, that's why they call it the present. (Anonymous)

I couldn’t help the smile that perked up from under my dried stiff tears. “Take that with you and remember everyday is a new day, so make the most of it.”

I exited the shop with a smile on my face and her words flowing with me. She was right. I could sit here and let everything compile, or I could move on. I walked back slowly reading the cover of the card over and over. I hadn’t been in this great of a mood in a really long time.